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Photo Editor on Different System and Device

10 Wonderful Camera Photo Editing Solutions(Paid and Free)

Pictures are the memories of our happy times but clicking a picture with a professional touch is no more a cumbersome task. Since there are a large number of camera photo editing solutions available that helps you click your picture with a professional touch even if your device does not consist of a good quality in-built camera. Here, we have brought a filtered list for the top camera photo editors that would make you go on clicking.

Part 1. Top One Wonderful Camera Photo Editing Solution

Wondershare Fotophire Editing Toolkit gives a perfect picture to retain your memory for the lifetime. It supports both the windows and mac system with powful editing functions . No matter you are a newbie or a professional photographers, this program could provide you with unbelievable photo experience .

Wondershare Fotophire Editing Toolkit
  • Enables you to apply more than 200 effects to your photos to make them better.
  • Crop or cut pictures to the size to meet any of your need.
  • Help you to remove any unwanted objects from your photos.
  • Allow you to use the Creative Blur to refocus your photos in a click.

    5 Key Features:

    • It supports almost all the file formats thus offers you to edit a wide variety of images with its powerful tools.
    • Remove the unwanted background or enhance by placing the correct background that matches with the mood of an image using Photo Cutter.
    • Eliminate unwanted objects from the picture using Fotophire Photo Eraser.
    • Maximise your image with Fotophire Maximiser without losing its details. It produces a fine quality image with high resolution even on increasing its size.
    • Refocus your image or remove the blurs from your picture with Fotophire Focus and provide a professional touch to your picture.

    The Guide to Use Fotophire Editing Toolkit as Camera Photo Editing Solution

    Step 1: After completing the installation process, a welcome screen will appear.

    Camera Editing-Install and launch Fotophire Editing Toolkit

    Step 2: Selecting "Photo Editor", you will get a screen where you can click on "Open" to flip through the pictures in your computer and select the one you want to edit.

    Camera Editing-Import the Image

    Step 3: The next screen will show the selected image with the edit tools on the right side panel and basic tools on the middle top and bottom of the screen. Apply the effects, filters and other adjustments to your image to get the desired polished picture. You can undo or redo the changes applied as well as zoom your picture in and out with the given buttons.

    Camera Editing-Apply the Effects

    Step 4: Save your enhanced picture using "Save" button at the middle top of the screen with just a single click.

    Camera Editing-Save the Finished Photo

    Part 2. Another 9 Helpful Camera Photo Editing Solutions

    1. Canva

    Price: $12.95 USD a month

    URL: https://www.canva.com

    Canva makes your life super easy with its uncountable features. Ranging from visual effects advancement, speech bubbles, and transparent images to colorful and vivid photo frames, it has all sort of options a PRO looks for. Image straightening is one of the most adopted features with Canva to make your sad portraits into a real-time snap.

    • Download your edited photos in JPG, PNG and PDF formats.
    • Resize your snap to any resolution/dimension. A faster way to make a photo just as big as a road-side hoarding banner.
    • Add custom fonts to your designs. Maybe a signature of your style or a brand name, you have rights to use your fonts.
    • Limitations making animated pictures with some graphics to throw at your social media. You’ll be a loser in this case.
    • Advanced photo editing features aren’t available free like other tools.
    • Drag and drop editor with limited usage.
    Camera Editing - Canva

    2. Pic Monkey

    Price: $7.99 USD/month

    URL: https://www.picmonkey.com/

    As the name suggests - Picture Monkey. You can play with your snaps like a monkey. It is an easy and reliable tool. Camera editing experience may get complex without Pic Monkey as it digs deeper into your picture to make it boosted & tranquil. You can make touch-ups to your photo, make a collage using different photos and add overlays, filters, texts to your photo.

    • Best way to master your skills aka a Professional Photographer!
    • Mobile app availability to create/edit a photo in just no seconds.
    • Turn a snap into a sketch. and it will be a smart sketcher of your picture from the next time.
    • Limitations in using its editor if you're using the free version. So make sure you've subscribed to them before start editing.
    • Fewer template options in designs make it a bit average as compare to other tools.
    • Complex User Interface to make a user navigate easily.
    Camera Editing - Pic Monkey

    3. GIMP

    Price: Free

    URL: https://www.gimp.org/

    A Free Photo Editing Tool that popularising worldwide. It's easy to interface and photo manipulating tricks makes users its proud fans. It has a certain type of camera editing tools to get photo filtered/re-touched/cropped/designed flawlessly. Photo enhancement is the popular feature which allows a user to make a snap just fit to the snap location, any social media, website, etc.

    • The desktop app easily working on Linux, Windows or Mac.
    • High-fidelity Photo Manipulation feature and that too in just no penny!
    • Although it’s a desktop app, supports multiple formats.
    • No Web-app mode available to log-on your a/c from anywhere in the world.
    • Some features may look abnormal to normal users, as it has advanced scientific features, custom code development, 3rd party plugin integration for a broad level of editing. Messy Interface may trouble you.
    • Source code sharing option to distribute your changes to other editors, maybe a complex way to share normally.
    Camera Editing - GIMP

    4. Photoscape

    Price: Free

    URL: http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php

    Photoscape is a real fun and freely available camera editing software available nowadays. The renowned of all the features it has is its Slidershow feature, allowing a user to make a slidershow presentation here. It's a desktop app, having absolutely 0 charges or free download. It contains several editors like other tools like brightness, color adjustment, white balancing, frames, balloons, resizing, etc.

    • Works as a screenshot capturing tool. Multi-language is an another feature to list here in this queue of PROS.
    • RAW converter, converting RAW into JPG.
    • Animated Gifs, creating animation in the camera editing tool is a must-have requirement of all photographers.
    • Desktop version lacks its accessibility around the world.
    • User Interface of the website and the tool sits in last as compared to other photo editing apps.
    • Compatible with only Windows or Mac, not available for Linux.
    Camera Editing - Photoscape

    5. Pixlr Editor

    Price: $5 USD a month

    URL: https://pixlr.com/

    Pixlr is just another photo editing tool, meeting almost every editing needs. The very concerned aspect of Pixlr Editor is it’s Web App and Mobile App, having separate subscriptions for a PRO, for an EDITOR, for an EXPRESS user, it allows a user to choose their own package. Each subscription has its unique features as per their monthly prices, but it worth for a professional to get it on the web or on mobile, anytime, anywhere.

    • Compatibility with any Browser or with any mobile device takes this editor in just E (Executive) class category.
    • A fabulous user interface, its user experience, a dark greyish editor theme is something that a creative designer wish for, as a greyish tone in background allow an editor to taste the color palette in an amazing way.
    • Allows layering your designs at your fingertips, makes this editor comparable to the Adobe tools.
    • Higher and Higher rates, that user pays according to the user need. But sometime for some professionals, it worths!
    • For Windows or Blackberry mobile users, sorry this time as mobile app of Pixlr is not available for these OS platforms.
    • Advanced features supported only by top-level subscription packages, thus allowing a user to get the super subscription for a tricky feature.
    Camera Editing - Pixlr Editor

    6. Photo Editor by Aviary

    Price: Free/ $9.99 (Pro Version)

    URL: https://www.aviary.com/

    A truly mobile based camera editor, allowing a user to make editing, polishing, touch-ups, to the pictures/snaps at easy fingertip options in Aviary. Provided by Adobe makes this tool a lavish, luxurious and a trendy mobile app for camera editing options.

    • Very minor corrections in a photo. Install Aviary right away as it’ll hook up skin blemishes, tooth whitening, face corrections miracles in just a few clicks.
    • Fun stickers for youngsters to jump in the stickers for craziness.
    • One-tap auto enhances camera editing tool, enhancing a photo in no time.
    • Absence over web sometimes irritate you as correcting multiple photos on mobile app frustrates a PRO.
    • Sharing options are not available directly.
    • Animations, effects are all absent to make a graphic banner or animated GIFs.
    Camera Editing - Photo Editor by Aviary

    7. On1 Perfect Effects

    Price: $59.99 USD (One time purchase)

    URL: https://www.on1.com/products/effects/

    100s of stackable filters, pre-sets, textures, multiple brushes available inside to get a real editing done. Most amazing feature is it provides many effects ready to apply to your photo, by the way, landscape, cinematic, film, sports, color grading is also available . You’ll love it just more and more once you get tuned with it. Download it on free trial or purchased version.

    • Awesome effects available to refine, clone, adjust, blur, chisel, crop, retouch or erase. Even a live adjustment can be previewed.
    • Great UI and UX, along with a variety of options that never disappoints an editor.
    • Stacking your effects - is a much-liked feature to On1 Perfect Editor as you can now easily combine your effects to make another new possible effect. It's just how awesome you’re !
    • Linux users get disappointed here as windows and mac are only available platforms here.
    • Downloading plans are too costly, even a basic version started with $60 USD.
    • Multiple advanced functions may confuse you if you’re not a master of camera editing tools, and thus you can take the best from it.
    Camera Editing - Byte Mobile- On1 Perfect Effects

    8. Snappa

    Price: $10 USD a month

    URL: https://snappa.com/

    Snappa is a web-based tool providing flexibility to add/edit graphics on your picture. If you have a simple image to be added to your social media but that too with some customization or branding, this tool is an online graphic editing tool that supports almost every type of graphics or camera editing requirements. Free HD stock images accessibility allures a lot of users to use it for graphics editing just like a PRO.

    • Connecting the social a/cs to schedule your snaps to the social media is just an awesome feature.
    • Create your own style, ad banners, and blog posts, cover photos, etc in just a few minutes, and that too like a graphic expert.
    • Cheap pricing option with unlimited downloads and unlimited social account connectivity makes you a big fan of it, for sure.
    • Advanced Editing features like multiple effects, adding texture, font, icons are not very well defined as our other editors.
    • No mobile app available to get handy in public to edit your images.
    • Not too good with its user interface as compared to other popular editors.
    Camera Editing - Snappa

    9. DXO Photolab

    Price: $99.99 USD (One time purchase)

    URL: https://www.dxo.com/us/photography/photo-software/dxo-photolab

    Just awesome optical corrections through DXO Photolab, a camera photo editing software that allows editing just in few clicks. As its name says it all - A Photo Laboratory to make all kind of testing with your pictures. You can easily convert your RAW files into the JPGs. Purchase and setup your software now. Choose wisely!

    • High-quality de-noising makes it is strong software that rectifies spots, noises, etc.
    • Batch Processing & Pre-sets available.
    • Protection of saturated colors.
    • Very costly for a normal/professional photographer to buy it for just editing the snaps. No dear, it doesn’t worth basic editing.
    • Desktop-based software makes it slowly popular among users as they need quick access to their editors.
    • A bit complex to handle spontaneously.
    Camera Editing - DXO Photolab


    Even after clicking pictures from your top quality camera, some blurs or blemishes may spoil your picture, but with the editors listed above can get you a perfect picture. Out of all, I would recommend Wondershare Fotophire Editing Toolkit since it’s an all in one app that offers all the essential editing features that can make your picture brilliant.

Sep 17,2018 17:50 pm