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Blur Photo Background

How to Create Blurred Background Effects

In some cases, backgrounds can negatively impact an otherwise perfect image. Even though the subject is properly focused, the background can sometimes prove to be an annoying distraction. Fortunately, it’s possible to create blurred background effects using your camera. But what if yours don’t support it? In this tutorial, we’re going to talk about how you can achieve those blurred background effects for your image using various tools.

Part 1. How to Create Blurred Background Effects with Fotophire Editing Toolkit

In this section, we’re going to talk about how you can use Wondershare Fotophire Editing Toolkit to create blurred background effects for your images. The process is as easy as 1, 2, 3 – not to mention you only need 3 steps to complete it! Fotophire is a photo editing software from WonderShare. The program has 5 main features which are as follows.

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Key Features of Fotophire Editing Toolkit

  • • The photo editing feature allows you to remove any unwanted elements in your photo in just a few seconds.
  • • The photo cutting and cropping features enables you to crop or cut the image size at your will.
  • • The photo erasing feature helps you to remove or replace your background with one click.
  • • It also helps you to enhance your photos with more than 200 helpful effects.
  • • This photo editing toolkit also enables you to extract a certain object from your image to suit your preference

How to Create Blurred Background Effects with Fotophire Editing Toolkit

1st Step: Launch the software then choose Photo Focus. If you don’t have the software, you can download the trial version here. Click Open, then choose the image you want to edit.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Start the Program

2nd Step: Navigate to Creative Blur in the right sidebar. Choose the blur style you want from either Linear blur, Radial blur, and Custom blur. Simply adjust the slider based on your preferred blur strength.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Navigate to Creative Blur Sidebar
How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Choose Focus

3rd Step: You can also compare both Before and After images by clicking the 2nd icon on the bottom left. Once you’re done, simply click the Save button.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Click Save Button

4th Step: You can also compare both Before and After images by clicking the 2nd icon on the bottom left. Once you’re done, simply click the Save button.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Compare Before and After Effects

With the help of Wondershare Fotophire Editing Toolkit, you'll be able to create blurred background effects with easy steps.

Part 2. How to Create Blurred Background Effects with Photoshop

Needless to say, Photoshop is one of the best software as far as photo editing is concerned. The process might be more advanced, but the results are definitely amazing. To start, kindly follow the following steps:

How to Create Blurred Background Effects with Photoshop

1st Step: Launch Photoshop then click File > Open. A popup should appear which allows you to choose which image you want to edit. Click on it.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Open Image with Photoshop

For this tutorial, we are going to use this image:

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Using Pen Tool

2nd Step: For this tutorial, we’re going to use the Pen tool. This method is a bit advanced as it will take a bit of work and time to complete. However, it allows you to properly trace your subject. Simply click the Pen icon on the left sidebar or press “P”.

3rd Step: Trace your subject by clicking on the edges. You may need to zoom in or out whenever necessary. If you need any mistakes while tracing, simply undo it by pressing Ctrl + Z (or Ctrl + Alt + Z if you need to undo more than one error). Complete the tracing by clicking on the first point you created.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Make Selection

4th Step: Right Click anywhere on the workspace and choose “Make Selection”.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Adjust Radius

5th Step: A window will popup allowing you to adjust the Feature’s Radius. Just leave it with the default setting. Press Enter or click Ok. This is what your output should look like:

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Adjust the Strength of Blurry Effect

6th Step: Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. A new window will appear which allows you to adjust the strength of the blurry effect. You can use the slider or manually input a number on the Radius box.

7th Step: Once you have achieved your desired strength, simply Deselect your subject by going to Select > Deselect or pressing Ctrl + D.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Compare Before and After Effects

Once you’re done, go to File > Save As or press Ctrl + Shift + S. Choose your preferred format. Here’s a before and after comparison:

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Deselect the Subject

Part 3. How to Create Blurred Background Effects on Mac

The Preview app is a built-in app in Mac which allows you to blur certain parts of your image. While it lacks the functionalities that the other software have, you can still use it for blurring or deleting certain sections of your photo.

1st and the only Step: Open your image in the Preview app then select the area you want to blur. Go to Edit > Delete. The app will then remove the selected area. The selected area will then appear black. While not the most elegant method, it does help you blur the background of your image in just seconds.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Deselect the Subject

Part 4. How to Create Blurred Background Effects on Mobile

There are plenty of ways to blur your image’s background using your mobile phone. In this section, we’re going to use AfterFocus for the Android platform.

How to Create Blurred Effects with AfterFocus

1st Step: Open the App then choose the Select from Album option. Choose the photo you want to edit.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Select Photo from Album

2nd Step: From the menu available on the bottom part, choose Focus. A Brush selection will open which allows you to choose the size of your brush.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Choose Focus
How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Choose Brush

3rd Step: Using the brush, “paint” on your subject. If there is some spillage, simply use the Eraser tool to delete it.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Choose Background
How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Refocus The Photo

4th Step: Once you’re done, press the Arrow button on the top right corner of the screen. From the menu, choose Blur. You can choose from either Lens blur or Motion blur. You can also adjust the strength of the blur through the slider.

How to Create Blurred Photo Background - Adjust the Strenghth of Blur

5th Step: After you’re done, simply press the Save button. You can also experiment with the different blur styles available.


There are tons of photo editing software out there that allows you to create blurred background effects regardless of your device and platform. However, as far as functionality and ease of use are concerned, I would recommend using Fotophire from Wondershare. Its uncomplicated and easy-to-use interface allows you to modify or enhance your photos in seconds. Not to mention, learning various photo editing methods can be done in a breeze too!

May 30,2018 15:25 pm