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35 Excellent Photography Sites with Breathtaking Free Stock Photos

Images at times represent the overall information of your website or product. No matter how good your product is, you will want to use clear, professional and personalized stock images to attract people at first sight. We undoubtedly don’t want to use the low-quality images, or the images that always have a bunch of suited people waving hands. These clichés cannot make people interested today. Fortunately, we still have many image sources that offer you free HD images. All the photographs are breathtaking and innovative, and you can definitely find the photos you need from the free stock photos.

35 Excellent Photography Sites with Breathtaking Free Stock Photos

1. Upsplash

One of the greatest free stock photos sites that provides over 50,000 HD images for free. When you take a look at the site, you’ll find it easy simplified but contains great content. People upload HD images to this site, and they offer very great work. All of the photos on this site are eye-catching and innovative.

URL: https://unsplash.com/

Free Image Source - Upsplash

2. Pexels

Pexels.com is also a great place to find high quality photos. People can find very beautiful pictures on this site, and they can also upload their own photographs to this site. This site also provides different categories for people to find the photos easily.

URL: https://www.pexels.com/

Free Image Source - Pexels

3. Pixabay

Pixabay have more than 1.3 million photos and videos for free. People can find images, photos, vector graphics and more categories on this site. Moreover, Pixabay provides app for Android and iOS devices, which also allow you to search and download high quality photos directly.

URL: https://pixabay.com/

Free Image Source - Pixabay

4. Picjumbo

Picjumbo is also a great place to find free pictures for your personal and commercial uses. The site provides several categories for your select from, and it offers you the premium version to get more pictures.

URL: https://picjumbo.com/

Free Image Source - Picjumbo

5. Stocksnap.io

Stocksnap.io is a great image source to find free-to-use images. This site adds hundreds of new pictures every week, and it offers trending pictures which may help you to find the images you want easily.

URL: https://stocksnap.io/

Free Image Source - Stocksnap.io

6. Foodiesfeed

Foodiesfeed is a dedicated free stock photos website for food. It provides free HD pictures about food, and it displays hot tags that can help people to find the free photos in short time.

URL: https://www.foodiesfeed.com/

Free Image Source - Foodiesfeed

7. Picography

Picography.co contains many beautiful free stock photos, and it has many hashtags at bottom for you to find the pictures you want. All the photos on this site are under the Creative Commons CC0.

URL: https://picography.co/

Free Image Source - Picography

8. Skitterphoto

Skitterphoto is a free image source which provides all kinds of free stock photos. The photographs are divided into Animals, Architecture, Business and more, and it has an Admin picks section that gives you the collections from the site owner.

URL: https://skitterphoto.com/

Free Image Source - Skitterphoto

9. Kaboompics

Kaboompics.com is a place that has a great collection of high-quality pictures and photographs. The site has very easy homepage, so you can find the pictures you want to view or download within short time.

URL: https://kaboompics.com/

Free Image Source - Kaboompics

10. Freestocks.org

Freestocks.org is a website that provides you several kinds of photos, including Animals, fashion, nature, etc. This site has many tags at the right side, and allows you to click to navigate to the collection of the certain category.

URL: https://freestocks.org/

Free Image Source - Freestocks.org

11. Lifeofpix.com

Lifeofpix.com provides the free stock photos in the homepage, and allows you to scroll down to view the pictures. You can also enter the gallery to find a certain kind of free pictures.

URL: https://www.lifeofpix.com/

Free Image Source - Lifeofpix.com

12. FreeImages

FreeImages.com is also great free stock images site to find free images and photos. This site has more than 390 thousand free pictures and illustrations, which allows you to view and free to use.

URL: https://www.freeimages.com/

Free Image Source - FreeImages

13. FreeNatureStock

Freenaturestock.com is a dedicated photography website that focuses on shooting nature spots. Every single day, the site will add one new photo, and you can find many beautiful land view pictures here.

URL: http://freenaturestock.com/

Free Image Source - FreeNatureStock

14. Death to Stock

When taking the first look at the site, you won’t feel it like a free stock website, but in fact, it’s a very professional and great photography website. After subscribing, you’ll get a collection of free photos every month.

URL: https://deathtothestockphoto.com/

Free Image Source - Death to Stock

15. New Old Stock

If you’re a fan of black and white photos, this website is a good place for you. New Old Stock provides you a collection of photos that gives you a great feeling of ages.

URL: https://nos.twnsnd.co/

Free Image Source - New Old Stock

16. Tookapic

Tookapic is also a great photography website. The website gives you a bunch of free pictures and photographs, and it also has marketing pictures which ask you to pay.

URL: https://tookapic.com/

Free Image Source - Tookapic

17. Jay Mantri

Jay Mantri is a free picture website that enables you to view and download pictures and videos for free use. The pictures are displayed on the homepage of the website, so you can scroll down to find the one you need.

URL: http://jaymantri.com/

Free Image Source - Jay Mantri

18. Photo Stock Editor

The website is also a free stock photos site that allows you to download free-to-use images. The website display all photos on the homepage, so you only need to scroll down to find the picture you want.

URL: http://photostockeditor.com/

Free Image Source - Photo Stock Editor

19. Epicantus

Epicantus is a page on Tumblr, and it offers you free photos for download and use. The pictures are shot by Daria, and he/she has shot many pictures on the page.

URL: http://epicantus.tumblr.com/

Free Image Source - Epicantus

20. Styled Stock

Styled Stock also provides free stock images, and this website offers you different photo categories like Beauty, Desktop, Lifestyle, etc. The website also has a Color Filter option that allows you to view pictures by color.

URL: https://styledstock.co/

Free Image Source - Styled Stock

21. Morguefile

This website is also a free stock photos website that allows you to search and download photos with ease. This website provides a Quest section that enables you request or upload images to this certain section.

URL: https://morguefile.com/

Free Image Source - Morguefile

22. Stock Vault

Stock Vault is a free stock photo website that has a very clear homepage, and allows you to search for the images you want with ease. The website gives you their pickups, and also provides different categories for you to select.

URL: https://www.stockvault.net/

Free Image Source - Stock Vault

23. NegativeSpace

Negativesapce.co provides you high-quality, beautiful and free stock photos. The photos are released under the CC0 license, so you can download the image for personal and commercial use. The website also allows you to search photos directly.

URL: https://negativespace.co/

Free Image Source - NegativeSpace

24. Stokpic

This website has its own license, and it doesn’t allow you to redistribute photos, but it supports you to download the photos for personal and commercial use. Stockpic will send you 10 photos every two weeks via email, so you’ll need to subscribe to it.

URL: http://stokpic.com/

Free Image Source - Stokpic

25. Shotstash

Shotstash is also free stock photos website, and it allows you to browse photos directly, or search in the photo library. You can browse the photos one by one, and if you don’t find the one you want, you can search for the photos you want.

URL: https://shotstash.com/

Free Image Source - Shotstash

26. FreeRange

This website allows you to search photos for free use. This website enables you to search for the photo you want directly, or find the matches on Shutterstock, which will ask you to pay.

URL: https://freerangestock.com/

Free Image Source - FreeRange

27. Libreshot

This free stock photo website enables you to find the photos in a certain category, or search for the photo you want. This website allows you to download photos for personal and commercial use easily.

URL: https://libreshot.com/

Free Image Source - Libreshot

28. Fancy Crave

This website is similar as Death to Stock. After entering your email address, you’ll get 14 free stock photos every week. And you can use the photos for any personal or commercial uses directly.

URL: http://fancycrave.com/

Free Image Source - Fancy Crave

29. Splitshire

This free stock photo site has 963 photos on the website, and it allows you to download the photos for commercial use directly. There’re many categories displayed on the website, and you’re able to find the photos you want easily.

URL: https://www.splitshire.com/

Free Image Source - Splitshire

30. MMTStock

This website is also a free photo stock website that use CC0 license. You can find all kinds of categories on this site, and each category contains a bunch of pictures. You can view the photos by category, tags, colors, and orientation, and you’ll find many interesting pictures on this site.

URL: https://mmtstock.com/

Free Image Source - MMTStock


IMFREE is a good photography resource that gives you all kinds of photos. You can view the pictures by categories at the first half of the homepage, and get the most recent uploaded photos by scrolling down.

URL: http://imcreator.com/free

Free Image Source - IM FREE

32. PhotoCollections

Photocollections.io puts all the thumbnails of the pictures on the homepage of the website. But there’s a Right Arrow icon at the upper left corner of the homepage, which will give you the categories of all photos.

URL: https://photocollections.io/

Free Image Source - PhotoCollections

33. Gratisography

This free stock photo website puts all photos on its homepage, and it divides the photos into different categories. In each category, you’ll find many pictures, so you can use the searching feature to find the picture you want.

URL: https://gratisography.com/

Free Image Source - Gratisography

34. Snapwire Snaps

This free stock image webpage is also from Tumblr. This is a solitary webpage, but you can still search for the picture you want with the searching feature at the upper right corner of the page.

URL: http://snapwiresnaps.tumblr.com/

Free Image Source - Snapwire Snaps

35. Barn Images

Barn Images provides you free stock photos that can be downloaded for personal and commercial uses. The website also offers subscription feature which enables you to enter your email address and get free photos every week.

URL: https://barnimages.com/

Free Image Source - Barn Images

Bottom Line

All of the mentioned free stock image sites provide you free high-quality pictures, but few of them deliver pictures via email. If you want to download high-quality pictures for personal or commercial uses, these websites will provide you much help. If you want to edit these photos before using them, you can give Wondershare Fotophire a try, as this photo editor toolkit provides several helpful modules to help you make your photo better.

Apr 02,2018 15:51 pm