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How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat with All Methods

Looking for a way to remove unwanted stickers on your perfectly edited Snapchat pictures? Well, then you've come to the right place! Today, we’re going to be covering all the different ways for how to remove stickers on Snapchat. This will include a PC method, Photoshop method, and even one that you can use on your mobile device! For the most part, these are going to be fairly similar, but have a look and see which of them is the one for you!

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Part 1. Easiest Way to Remove Stickers from Snapchat Pictures

1. Wondershare PixCut

The first method that we're going to be introducing is the Wondershare PixCut Method. This is the great method for you to remove unwanted objects, remove background, and enlarge photo easily with few clicks. And it is a website that provides you powerful functions that we mentioned without installing, and you are also allowed to get you resulting image  without quality loss.

Key Features of Wondershare PixCut
  • Increase the DPI of your images with fews clicks.
  • Without lossing quality.
  • Enable to remove background and remove unwanted objects.

How to remove stickers on Snapchat pictures with Wondershare PixCut

Step 1: Visit the website.

Go to the Wondershare PixCut website, click on the “Remove watermark” button, or you can simply drag or copy an image from a folder from which you wish to remove the stickers.

Step 2: Remove stickers from image.

In order to remove the stickers of the image, you can choose “Select” and adjust the Brushstroke Size to draw over stickers.

Step 3: Save.

Click on “Remove Objects” to remove the stickers of the picture that you’ve draw, and then you can get the resulting image.

2. Fotophire Editing Toolkit

The first method that we’re going to be introducing is the Fotophire Photo Editing Toolkit method! This particular method is rich with different photo enhancing, trimming, and decorative tools! The most relevant aspect, of course, is the fact that this will easily allow you to remove any unwanted stickers on your Snapchat pictures. This is through the use of one of the sub-editors on this toolkit — called the “Photo Eraser!” Learn how to use this program through the demonstration down below!

Wondershare Fotophire Editing Toolkit
  • Enables you to apply more than 200 effects to your photos to make them better.
  • Crop or cut pictures to the size to meet any of your need.
  • Help you to remove any unwanted objects from your photos.
  • Allow you to use the Creative Blur to refocus your photos in a click.
5 Key Features of Fotophire Editing Toolkit
  • Eraser tools that will allow you to easily remove stickers on your Snapchat images.
  • Trimming tools that can help cut down unwanted parts of an image.
  • Photo Enhancement tools that will allow you to decorate your image.
  • Preset filters and effects that are easy to apply.
  • An intuitive interface that is easy to master!

How to Make a Minecraft YouTube Banner Picture with Fotophire Editing Toolkit

Step 1: Photo Eraser

There are several different editors that make up the Fotophire Editing Toolkit! The one that we’re going to be using today is the Photo Eraser editor. To launch this program, click on the box furthest to the right (with the eraser icon.) Doing that should lead you to the main hub.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Click the Photo Eraser

Step 2: Open...

Before you can proceed, you’re going to have upload your image into the program first! This can be done easily by clicking on the Open… text button. Doing so will prompt a Windows/Mac pop up that will ask that you locate and choose the image that you want to edit!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Open the Image to the Program

Step 3: Photo Eraser Editor

This is the main photo eraser editor! As you can see, we were able to import the image that we wanted to edit easily. In this case, the sticker that we’re going to remove is the time sticker on the left-hand side of the screen.

Note: To remove this sticker, make sure that you’re on the CROP tab (as shown on the right-hand side of the screen.)

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Find the Crop Tab

Step 4: Selection Brush

There are a couple of different tools under the ERASE tab. The one to focus on is the Selection Brush. Make sure that you have it selected! This is what you’re going to use to pick out the parts of the image that you want to delete!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Pick out the Parts of the Image

Step 5: Erase!

To erase, draw over the sticker with the selection tool! You can change the brush size easily by adjusting the Brush Size slider. Just make that you cover the entire sticker (and then some!) Doing so will allow the removed area to blend with the rest of the image.

Note: Finalize your erase by clicking on the blue Erase button!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Click the Blue Erase Button

Step 6: Save...

This is our final image! As you can see, we were able to easily remove the sticker from our Snapchat photograph! This can be done in many other ways too, and you can certainly clean up the area by playing around with the controls a bit.

However, once you’re done, make sure that you save before exiting the window! This can be done by clicking on the Save icon on the top of the screen.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Save the Finished Photo

Part 2. How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat Pictures with Photoshop

The next program that we’re going to be introducing, is Adobe Photoshop! The process for removing stickers with this software is not so different. However, you’ll find that there are a couple of different nuances with Photoshop that won’t be included in the first program that we introduced. For one, Photoshop is made specifically for professionals. A program that is best used as a graphics editor and illustrator. Even professionals have a hard time using it! However, if you follow the steps we’ve illustrated down below, then you have no problem removing stickers from your Snapchat Images!

Step 1: Open…

The first step, much like in the previous demonstration, is uploading your image into Photoshop! This part is easy enough to do. Just make sure to click on the Open… circle button on the left-hand side of the screen.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Open the Photoshop

Step 2:Spot Healing Brush tool!

The tool that we’re going to be using to remove our Snapchat sticker, is called the Spot Healing Brush Tool! This can be found on the left-hand toolbar and has a band-aid-like icon! Unlike Fotophire, you’ll notice that the application color is black. However, it’s used pretty much the same.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Find the Spot Healing Brush Tool

Step 3: Adjust Brush!

The next step is adjusting your brush tool. You might need it to be bigger or smaller — depending on the size of your image and the size of the sticker that you want to remove! There are different adjustment tools that you can use. These two are the most important!

Size — Adjusting the overall size of your image!

Hardness — Control the opacity of the erase (make the erase sharper or softer.)

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Adjust the Brush Tool

Step 4: Select!

Now, as mentioned previously, all you have to do is select the part of the image that you want to remove! To do that, use the black applicator tool to cover the sticker (and then some.) This will allow you to blend the parts that you remove with the background!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Select the Image You Want to Remove

Step 5: Final Image!

As you can see! The result is very clean (much like with the previous program.) It acts as if the sticker was never there! You can use this tool for other things too and take advantage of the other tools offered by Photoshop (to enhance the image.)

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - The Final Image is Formed

Step 6: Save!

Finally, you’re going to have to save your image! This part is easy enough to do. Just click the File tab open and choose the Save As… option on the drop down menu! This will offer different image formats that you can save your image as!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Save the Finished Photo

Part 3. How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat Pictures with Mobile App

The app that we’re going to be using for our final demonstration is called the Adobe Photoshop Fix app. It’s one specifically made to help you adjust images on your phone — in a way that’s far more intuitive than the regular Photoshop program! It’s a good tool to have, just pay attention to the steps we’ve listed down below to make sure that you’re getting all the steps right!

Step 1: Install!

The app that you’re going to need to have installed, is the Adobe Photoshop Fix app. That’s easy enough to do. Just search for it on your iOS or Android device. OR if you’re looking to download it for your iPhone, click the URL down below!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Install Adobe Photoshop Fix App

Step 2: Sign up for free

Unlike most apps, you are going to have to sign up for this one. They offer a FREE sign up process through both Facebook or Email, so take advantage of that! It’s a bit troublesome, to be sure, but the kind of tools that this app offers is more than worth the effort!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Sign Up for Free

Step 3: Add

Next up, click the Add button on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This is where you’ll find the different icons that will allow you to upload your image into the app. Click the phone icon at the very top — to choose your image from your phone gallery.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat -  Add the Photo to the Gallery

Step 4: Healing!

This is what the main editor screen looks like! As you can see, there are several tools on the bottom half of the screen! The one to focus on is the Healing tool.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Find the Healing Tool

Step 5: Spot Heal

Clicking the “Healing” tool will lead you to this screen (shown in the image below.) It’s the Spot Heal tool that will allow you to remove stickers from your photos — without leaving an unattractive blob.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Clicking the Healing Tool

Step 6: Apply!

Much like Fotophire, you’re going to have to apply the red applicator brush to the sticker (and then some.) This is to mark the parts of the image that you want to be deleted. Whilst also making sure that it’s blended with the rest of the background.

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Apply the Red Application Brush

Step 7: Checkmark!

The area will be automatically deleted! That’s really all you have to do on this screen. Click the checkmark icon on the bottom right-hand corner to go back to the main editor!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Click the Checkmark

Step 8: Share!

It’s on the main editor that you’ll find the Share icon (on the top toolbar.) Click that and move on to the next step!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Find the Share Icon

Step 9: Gallery or Share!

You have several options now. Either you save your image to your phone gallery — by clicking the Gallery option, send it to other editing Photoshop editing apps (or software), OR even share it through social media!

How to Remove Stickers on Snapchat - Save your Image or Share it to Social Media


As we’ve demonstrated, there are many different ways that you can remove Snapchat stickers from your photographs. Most of them work pretty similarly too! It’s just about getting to know the program and finding which of the tools will help you get the job done! In this case, if you want our recommendation as to which to try, we’d suggest the Fotophire Editing Toolkit first! After all, of the three we mentioned, it offered a lot more in terms of ease-of-use! Give it a try and see if it’s the one for you!

Jul 06,2022 11:26 am